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Ohio Legal Separation from Marriage Law: Home

Introduction to Legal Separation from Marriage Law in Ohio

Unlike in some other other states, Ohio does not require that couples obtain a legal separation before getting a divorce. However, legal separation is an option if neither party desires to remarry. This guide deals with the process of getting a legal separation, meaning one of the spouses files a Complaint for Legal Separation with the local Domestic Relations Court. Ohio Revised Code Section 3103.06 also provides that a couple may make a contract between themselves agreeing to an immediate separation and make provisions for the support of either of them and their children during the separation.

This page provides library resources and links to Ohio laws about legally separating from your spouse.  Please refer to the Legal Separation without Children and the Legal Separation with Children tabs of this guide for legal forms for obtaining a legal separation.

Please refer to the Ohio Dissolution of Marriage guide on this website for forms and information about obtaining a dissolution and the Ohio Divorce Law guide for forms and information about filing for divorce.

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Guide Author

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Susanna Marlowe
Franklin County Law Library Reference Librarian