There have been many federal court cases dealing with abortion. This libguide only mentions some of the biggest US Supreme Court cases. On the legislative front, also see the Hyde Amendment page of this libguide.
2019 US Supreme Court case allowing law requiring cremation of fetal remains to stand, but striking down law outlawing abortions for sex, race or disability reasons.
Held that Title XIX does not require a participating State to pay for those medically necessary abortions for which federal reimbursement is unavailable under the Hyde Amendment.
US Supreme Court dismissed Cert as improvidently granted and allowed the Dist Ct preliminary injunction of the enforcement of Idaho’s Defense of Life Act, which prohibits abortions unless necessary to save the life of the mother, to stay in effect, while the lower courts decide if the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act preempts it.
In 2025, the US Supreme Court will decide 1) whether the Medicaid Act’s any-qualified-provider provision unambiguously confers a private right upon a Medicaid beneficiary to choose a specific provider; and (2) what the scope of a Medicaid beneficiary’s alleged right is to choose a provider that a state has deemed disqualified.