The Legal Information Reference Center is available to all through the Franklin County Law Library' s home page, under Self-Help Resources. It contains hundreds of full-text publications and thousands of legal forms. The full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation's oldest and most respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses. With the ‘Legal Forms by U.S. State’ feature, users can search over 12,800 state-specific legal forms–searchable by top subject areas including Adoption, Bankruptcy, Name Changes and more. This database offers the everyday user the necessary tools and detailed “how-to” instructions to independently address a wide-range of legal issues.
Full-text of many of the Nolo Press self-help legal books are available full-text here. They will come up as chapters, but you can put them all together to access the entire book.
Some of the books available are pictured below:
Access the Legal Information Resource Center from the Franklin County Law Library home page, under Self-Help Resources. The username and password are listed. Everyone is free to use it.