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Cost-Effective Electronic Legal Research: Westlaw Advanced Search Commands

Westlaw Advanced Search Commands

Search Types Example  

Find: 39 harv. lr 1


Fi: 39 harv. lr 1

Use when you are uncertain of the citation format and want to prevent a search from running if the citation is not valid. 

If you are certain of the citation, you can just type it in without Find: in front of it.

Find and Print Multiple Citations 562fs263; 97 sct 569; 42 u.s.c.1983 Enter multiple citations separated by semicolons.
- or -
Copy and paste up to 20 citations from a list directly into the search box without needing to add semicolons.
Find by Party Name Brown v. Board Enter party names directly into the search box. Whenever possible, the closest match will display at the top of the page in a blue box above your search results. Below the blue box, WestSearch results are displayed, ranked by relevance.
KeyCite a Document

keycite 93 sct 1817 or

kc: 93 sct 1817 

Enter keycite or kc: followed by a citation into the search box. The result is a dynamic KeyCite display. If the document has been negatively referenced, Westlaw will display the Negative Treatment. If there are no negative references, Westlaw will display Citing References
Publication or Database oh-st =  Looking for this? feature appears and suggests Ohio Statutes and Court Rules)  
Database Identifier OHPRAC-OEA: infliction of emotional distress
OH-ST-ANN: ti,pr(misdemeanor and sentencing)
Search in a particular database. Overrides the jurisdiction you selected.
Publication name with search terms

ohio administrative code: workers compensation dispute self-insured claim

 baldwin's ohio practice-merrick-rippner probate law: codicil and after-acquired property

Sometimes must type in the exact title, see merrick rippner example to the left.


Overrides the jurisdiction you selected.


Criminal law:conversion and elements

Enter the name of any topic available in Westlaw on the Topics tab, followed by a colon and your search terms.


Advanced:  conversion and elements

Adv: Conversion and elements

To indicate a Boolean search.  If you type in a search with only AND/OR connectors, you must type Advanced: or Adv: in order for it to run as a terms and connectors search, not a natural language WestSearch.