Getting Your Home Back After a Property Tax Sale in OhioFrom Nolo. How long you get to redeem your home in Ohio. Following the tax lien sale, a one-year period must expire before the purchaser can start the foreclosure. During this one-year period you can get caught up on the delinquent taxes, plus various other amounts, and prevent the purchaser from foreclosing. This is called “redeeming” the property. Even if the foreclosure has started, you get the right to redeem up until the court confirms the foreclosure sale (Ohio Rev. Code § 5721.38). To redeem before the purchaser starts the foreclosure, you must pay an amount equal to the certificate price (or prices, if there is more than one tax certificate on your property), which includes taxes and fees plus interest (Ohio Rev. Code §§ 5721.30, 5721.38). To redeem after the purchaser starts the foreclosure, you must pay the certificate price plus 18% interest per year, attorney’s fees, costs, and other fees (Ohio Rev. Code § 5721.38).