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Federal Government Search Engines & Portals
- GovInfo; allows for searching many types of government publications at once. Contains: bills, Congressional Documents, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Record, Congressional Reports, Public and Private laws, Federal Register, Weekly/Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents and U.S. Codes for each year starting in 1994 and more.
-–official web portal.
- Metalib - an all in one search engine that searches 78 Federal Government databases at once, and more will be added over time. Save document results and create a list of favorite databases.
- Gov.Info List an alphabetical list of links for major reports, budget information, legislative history and other government documents
- Catalog of United States Government Publications (From July 1976-)
- - the U.S. federal government's data clearinghouse site
- The Government Attic - collection of government documents obtained via the FOIA
- U.S. Government Manual (1935 - present)
- U.S. Government Information LibGuide from the U.C. San Diego Library.